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Old 2009-10-16, 07:32   Link #37
Join Date: Jan 2009
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Menthuss View Post
I'm saddened that there isn't much love for the KaorixTouma pairing. Granted they don't have a lot of moments but I still prefer it over the more obvious (and possibly canon?) MikotoxTouma.
Nobody said that is canon , the pairing is popular because Mikoto is popular, you know, manytimes the people wants to see happy their favorite character in a romantic way.

... I know that the romance in the novel is not deep but, I hope that the author will surprise me, I saw only 2 anime pairing that surprised me: Akane iro somaru saka & Shuffle!, I can't recall more because the others were superobvious hello! Rumiko T. or forced hello! Toradora LN.

Well, sure in the future(a.k.a Index second season) you(and me) will have more love for secondary characters like Kaori and new ones like Itsuwa . Since the third arc, Mikoto doesn't have any relevant rol in the novel plot, Index self is more relevant than Mikoto in that way.*grin*
I don't know how Touma will notice the love of Index, I find that ... interesting, she has been growing and they live together, he is a boy and she is a girl, fufufufuffufu hehehehAHAHAHAHAHAHA<-------- *evil laugh*
But she is minor

Originally Posted by Tsunade666
hmm. Fanfic. quite interesting but I don't have that much time. Major plates are eating me right now but I think my idea before of touma being the existence that proves that others exist. Like deep blood proves that vamps ( no super gay fag vamp please )exist. Imagine breaker exist as an instrument of pure destruction. It exist to prove that existence of magic and espers. Its destiny is to destroy all. As it levels up form 0 - 1. Both hands activated. and as it continues to evolve. Its other form shows up like. A form of a dagger that cuts through material things or rather can cut through anything and a dark light or light surrounding touma serves as automatic shield. It can be used both offense and defense nullifying all super natural existence or rather erasing it.

its becoming more of a shonen manga......... I don't know if I can continue it but maybe if I get my fingers moving other than my mind thinking.
Do it, I want to read your fic.
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