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Old 2009-10-25, 18:16   Link #15182
Join Date: Oct 2004
Age: 44
Scale Problem aside. The Ksha isn't exactly a complex kit to assemble despite it's MG pricing. It's just that it's part is almost twice as bigger as most HG.

There's no weight issue with the Binder as it's basically 2 huge piece of light weight plastic joined together. So no worries about sagging shoulder in time to come.

Acessory wise, there's only 2 Beam Saber to go along but Bandai could have those funnels moulded into the container, but it's nice that they give us 24 individual pieces of them. So it's up to those creative ones to figure out how to display them in mid flight. However, it will better if Bandai did give us the Beam Gatling Gun.

Articulation issue now, the Ksha is quite a solid piece of work, but it's not as flexible as those HG of the OO's lines. However, the way those binders are positioned does allow one for some interesting poses.Once I go about getting a proper stand for the Ksha, I'm thinking about trying to put those Sub Arms grasping the OO/Reborn's limbs are putting the Ksha punching the Cockpit area in reminiscence of the finale in Unicorn Novel Vol 2.
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