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Old 2004-07-31, 19:28   Link #15
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The moon :)
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In my own experience bi girls are more interesting to date than straight girls
1.better in bed
2.better personality (you dont die in boredom)
3.the best friend you can ever have
4. you have always things to do with her

Originally Posted by Roots
Terms of Agreement: By posting in this thread you agree not to turn it into a flame war like so many other sexually-oriented threads on this forum.

Ok, so I just (finally) found an apartment and a roommate for next year! *pachi pachi pachi* My roommate (who is female, and I am a male) told me that she's bisexual yesterday, and I've never really had any close bisexual friends, so I'm kinda curious as to what it means to be bisexual. Do bisexual females date lesbians or only other bisexual females? Do they get freaky with both guys and girls at the same time? Holy crap, am I going to come home one day and find my roommate making out with another girl on the couch? That would be freakin.....SWEET!!! A whole new set of sexual misadventures awaits me! *puts on pirate hat* Arrgggg!!

(this really is a serious post)
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