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Old 2009-11-04, 14:23   Link #44
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
On a somewhat unrelated note, Greg of AP forums recently pointed out that Oda mentioned a former enemy of Luffy's would become his partner and head to the New World with him. If that's true, then I'd say that Buggy or Bon Clay would be the top candidates (Hancock and Jinbei were never really enemies, after all). I dunno about Crocoboy, since he's a distrustful bastard who'd sooner kill a would-be partner than join with them (just look at what happened with Doflamingo). However, I'd still sorta exclude Buggy since signs are already pointing towards him becoming his own beast. So... I'd say that Bon Clay's the best bet (I highly doubt that Magellan actually killed him, anyway)......
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