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Old 2009-11-06, 08:57   Link #1475
Join Date: May 2009
Age: 32
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Originally Posted by Darknemo2000 View Post
He does whine a little (specially in beginning) but he never actually does things his own way, but always Medaka's way. If he will start living his own life and making his own decisions then we can talk about spine.

Yeah in physical strength he would beat Shinji and probably Kyon too, but that does not make him a person with balls. So far he dutifully played a role of castrated pet and noting else. Now castrated pet can become stronger - hurray, but you can grow muscles as much as you like, but if you do not have an attitude to support that you will still remain a doormat.
Not necessarily true, I mean he's just a doormat to Medaka. He probably wouldn't be pushed around by anyone else. By being tough to everyone but a significant someone (in this case being Medaka), by definition doesn't that technically make him a tsundere?

Whatever the case, he'd only be a doormat to Medaka, I don't see how this makes him a complete doormat or utter wuss as everyone is making him out to be. A complete doormat would be someone who is a wuss against everyone, a complete outcast to society. Zenkichi isn't that.
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