Thread: Licensed Ranma 1/2
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Old 2009-11-06, 16:14   Link #14
Cross Game - I need more
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Age: 44
Originally Posted by KoolKidsKlub View Post
hmmm does any1 else find it weird...the show jus shows female nudity like its nothing..i mean don get me wrong i like it and all...but wtf? i wish more non-h animes were like that and wow last post 2005
Heh... You do realized that that female nude is actually a guy.

As for the show, since they are in high school I think it's sort of understandable that there wasn't a wedding or anything to end it.

Anime did just stop all the sudden though.

However, I will say that Ranma 1/2 has generated some of the best fanfiction ever.

I mean... Ill Met By Starlight? Talk about a "keep the lights on at night" thriller. Seeing a slapstick comedy re-interpreted as a horror story, pretty amazing.

Hearts of Ice was pretty epic.

Pastpresent was a great development of the backstory (too bad it's incomplete)

Somke & Mirrors was great for the way it made Kasumi into the heroine.

Man... now I've gotten distracted.

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