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Old 2009-11-10, 21:38   Link #4705
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
I know that this topic has been kind of passed on and long gone (and that my theory has already been possibly talked of!), but I've been rewatching the series lately and have been theorizing as the what her name is.

If thought of on a more philosophical level, and if we ignore the undying curiosity which we all posses, it could simply be a matter of she doesn't truly have that name. Or rather, if her name were given we would concentrate on that far too much.

Such as with the case of Zero, (example also in V for Vendetta), they are meant to represent an idea, not a person. Just as C.C went by and alias once she possessed her Geass (and after), so did Lelouch. So it would stand to reason that these two, or perhaps all Geass users would simply stand for more than just their names, but that they would be standing for human actions. Actions that we aren't truly always happy with, or actions that everyone possess.

C.C. doesn't have the name from her past because she is no longer that person, and she stands for something more than just a person.
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