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Old 2009-11-12, 10:59   Link #91
Komrades of Kitamura Kou
Join Date: Jul 2004
Age: 39
Since subs are out I don't exactly need to use spoiler tags anymore.

The Bad:

1. The otherwise excellent pacing got butchered near the end, especially as some have said regarding Lambda's "warning" to Ange. I personally found it to be a very important scene because, coupled with Bern's own words, is one of the first very strong hints that the game isn't exactly so much a battler between Beato and Battller but also has far deeper implications. Sucks that DEEN couldn't give it like 30 more seconds.

2. Likewise I didn't really like that a lot of the Ange-Stakes scenes, heck who am I kidding practically all of them, were cut and the classroom bullying scene was relegated to a 5sec flashback. While I'm part of the VN-player crowd that found many of the Maria and Ange scenes tedious to go through, I liked the ones where the Stakes hung around Ange. It really built up a lot on Ange's character and the abuse she had to go through.

The Good:

1. Thank you DEEN for giving me my Mammon fix. <3

2. Never thought I'd say it but... fantastic animation from DEEN at some points in the episode.

3. The pacing at least in the first 15min was great. They cut out most of the more redundant and boring scenes about Maria and some about Ange that would have otherwise put me to sleep.

4. That's actually a pretty good cliffhanger ending for what it's worth. Despite getting truncated ending with Lambda's revelation is a great way to set up epiosde 31, where shit will start flying once again.

All in all, barely a 7 for me.
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