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Old 2009-11-12, 16:34   Link #14
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
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Age: 39
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Originally Posted by Phocus View Post
Things to look forward to:

- Blushing Yuki (fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
- Psycho Asakura (it's funny how crazy human Asakura does a better job at trying to kill Kyon than TFEI interface Asakura)
- Long-haired Haruhi (there's really no difference between the original, personality-wise)
- "Normal" Koizumi (at least we know he isn't queer in this one)
- Distraught Kyon (well, he's somewhat more distraught than usual)

I'm curious as to how well the movie's ending will be constructed. The ending's hospital scene with Kyon and Yuki is probably one of the most emotional scenes in the entire series, so if they screw that up, then the entire movie loses its overall impact.

...I doubt that they'll mess that up though. Anyways, being 2.5 hours long, I wonder if KyoAni will add any original content.
Based on the key things to look forward too I don't see there being much way to mess this up and not meet people's expectations. As long as they still remember how to draw while doing this then I say it'll be what people are looking for.

Oh and there is the ending to try and fix via the power of cinematics, which is a special thing I hope to see. I don't know about other people (most people seem to adore it) but I disliked the way the ending came across in the actual novel and felt it was largely a needless return to the status quo for most characters the way it was written in text. There's a lot of potential character development and realizations that just get removed or reset out of convenience as well. The novel had the potential to move things forward with regard to the concepts presented by the series and it just felt like Tanigawa deliberately chose not to do that. In short I guess you can say my biggest pet peeve about the Haruhi series is that through each experience it feels that the characters haven't grown, matured or changed at all or not nearly as much as it feels they should have by the time the next story is about to start and Disappearance is a shining example of this problem in it's most obvious form to me. Maybe pressure from Kadokawa to develop the franchise a certain (slow and drawn out) way, maybe not.

Last edited by Kaioshin Sama; 2009-11-12 at 16:45.
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