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Old 2009-11-15, 00:53   Link #898
Join Date: May 2009
Saiai.... I'll just say this.... she actually calculated how short she her dress is and the the angles on where her underwear can and can't be see. This is all done in purpose.

Originally Posted by Used Can View Post
Anyway, was the whole issue about Index going Demi-god ever brought up again, or did it die after Stiyl mentioned that? Now that you guys are bringing god-level beings into discussion, I just remembered that. But, all the same, Index never seems to get any big role.
Well, Index DO have the materials to become the god of magic, but can she actually utilize it is beyond me.

Originally Posted by Wilfriback View Post
La persona superiore a Dio(The person higher than God, like you said a time ago). Maybe Kamijo Touma?? or the Deus-ex-machina-boy Hamazura Shiage??
Aeon of Horus=Actual angels and gods (Eiwas, Huze=Kazakiri, Gabriel)
Aeon of Osiris=Who are on their way to become angels and gods (Accelerator, Fianma, Oleyrus)
Aeon of Isis=Those who have power that resembles angel and gods (Lv.5s, Saints)
I agree with that, but I don't think Touma is there yet. Like Terra said, Imagine Breaker is not at its full power and still recovering. Alister also commented that Imagine Breaker still have room for growth. So I think it is safer to place Touma as an Aeon of Osiris right now. But yeah, 19 volumes already, Touma really should be getting his "grand awakening" like Accelerator did.

And for the Eiwas vs. Accelerator fight

To Tsunade:

Shiage is Hamatzura. His full name is Hamatzura Shiage.

As for Kazakiri, Huze=Kazakiri is how she's called when she got turned into an Artifical Angel. She is known as Kazakiri Hyuka in her normal state, Huze=Kazakiri in angelic state.

Also, you give Lv.5 and saints too much credits, they most certainly do not "rival" the angels. They might have similiar power, but absolutely cannot match them.

And Gabriel? That's the angel that entered Sasha's body. You can tell by the name "God is my Strength". You can also tell her being Gabriel when she used Shinriku, the god's wraith that purged Sodom and Gomorrah, and in actual biblical lore, Sodom and Gomorrah were purged by Gabriel.

And Rikou is in hospital because she overused her power in vol.15.
And leave Saiai be, she is just like that. But who come up with the idea to pair her up with Accelerator??

Last edited by shmaster; 2009-11-15 at 01:24.
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