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Old 2009-11-16, 08:13   Link #1237
Join Date: Sep 2009

or they are just taking yoki suppressant pills.... to hide their true massive power.....

(well that wouldn't really fit, cause if they are already ultimate beings, then why are they trying to make "lesser" powerful beings)

though them being male claymores and taking yoki suppressant pills, explains their age and how they can find claymores so well (despite them saying that they just have good intuition.... riiiight... HK is not believing this LIE of theirs), and how they do have some relationship with normal yomas (seen in the clare trainee special chapter), awakened yomas (seen in the slashers chapter, aka the 4 vs the male awakened being), and at least respect with the abyssal ones (isley comments at that they are wily, which is quite something coming from him, though we well know how wily and devious they are already).
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