Thread: Licensed Rosario+Vampire Manga
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Old 2009-11-28, 01:11   Link #12378
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Originally Posted by FriedRice84 View Post
I think he's envious because of a pure blood's social standing. Pure bloods hold a higher standing in the youkai hierarchy, the hybrids are out to prove that they can be just as strong or stronger than pure bloods like Moka.

This was the also the reason for Midou's kidnapping of Moka. He was under the impression that Tsukune was a pure blooded vampire. In order to prove that hybrids were better, he was going to kill Tsukune. However, as we all know, he found out that Moka was the true pure blooded vampire.

Kiria probably had the same idea but this time, Tsukune was the bait and Moka was the target. Kiria was showing the images of Hokuto beating the shit out of Tsukune so Moka's true power would come out. He probably wanted to test the strength of a S-Class vampire. Kiria and Hokuto also knew that they had to separate Tsukune and Moka in order for their plan to work - the "great destiny together" and "invincible couple" thing going on. That and Anti-Thesis (or Fairy Tail since Kiria seems to be active in both) was generally up to no good.

As for what kind of youkai Kiria is, it's kinda impossible to tell. He does have the split pupils of a vampire but they don't have the usual "fire" around them like we see with Moka and Tsukune's GAR mode. But, I agree that Kiria does seem "vampire-like" with his ability to inject blood, something we've only seen associated with vampires up til now. Not to mention, the bastard has silver hair.
Well, yeah well in this situation both Tsukune and Moka showed that you better nor mess with them. But something else is intriguing me a bit, In Mizore's arc ( Snow Woman village ) Khuala , after Moka awakened said that Moka is a special pedigree among the sister's. What do you think that means, I know that it's related to hair color changing and the a swarm of bats around her. If we compare Khuala's, Kokoa's ( in grown up form, there are not many examples of her releasing her power's ) release to Moka's and sometimes Tsukune's releases you can notice the difference I mentioned Tsukune, because I think that some part of Moka's special pedigree was transfered to him, and it also may be why Tsukune's "transformation" is a lot more risky then Hokto's - but on the other side Tsukune's future potential could be much higher then Hokuto's.

So what do you think Khaula meant when she said that Moka is a special pedigree among the sister's, and is it going to help or make it more it more dificult for Tsukune to master his vampire abilities ? .

Last edited by Chris38; 2009-11-28 at 01:31.
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