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Old 2009-11-30, 00:22   Link #5074
Are you a lolicon? :3
Join Date: Aug 2009
Athena was trained by the SAS.

We don't know if she made a deal with him as of yet, but it doesn't look like it. I still think she was unknowingly and unwillingly possessed at the time when she fought Hayate. Midas was still weak then, but he grew in power over time, so much that he can take over control of her body by now. She probably realized this, and wants to return to the RG, so that he will leave her body, or something...

So, because she's unable to remove him from her being, she needs to cooperate before it's too late. That's the whole "point of agreement". She agrees to take him to the RG, so that he may leave her body. At least that's how I interpreted it...

I might be wrong..
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