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Old 2009-12-02, 20:04   Link #172
Prospective Cog
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Los Angeles, CA
I'm of the opinion that Priscilla only really became this powerful over time. Her current level of power right now is probably the same as that which she possessed following her killing Teresa, but she just knows how to use it in a much more effective fashion.

In regard to comparisons with Irene, if that comparison is to her power before her awakening, then there was somewhat of a gap, albeit, not as great as it would be now. I mean, in the battle with Teresa, Priscilla was clearly the most gifted of the lot, but still far inferior to Teresa because her experience, skill, talent, and control paled in comparison to the former.

As for what she currently is, and her present power level, she is just an anomaly. For whatever reason, she is just insanely more powerful than every generation of Claymores that came before or after her.

If nothing else, hopefully her last performance signals that the story still has a ways to go (which obviously is a good thing), because right now her losing would not make sense on any sort of tangible level.
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