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Old 2009-12-02, 21:56   Link #183
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Originally Posted by Alleluia_Cone View Post
It really has gotten to the point where unless Clare experiences an unimaginable power-up, the only way Priscilla will die is a team battle involving many, many members.

Considering the fact that it took Teresa quite a bit of time to eliminate Claymore numbers #2 through #5, and Priscilla is able to defeat two number one ranked Claymores, in awakened form, while in human form, in something like 4 seconds, you'd have to believe her almost invincible in one-on-one combat.

She is at least three times stronger than any character that has appeared in the story up to this point, and that's being generous to the other characters. Imagine if she actually took a fight seriously, or bothered using a sword or weapon of some kind.
There is no reason for Clare or anyone else to get a power up - nor is there a need.
There are 2 super powers - Priscilla and Raciella. Raciella wants to kill everything, while Priscilla, in all liklihood, is going after Raciella. They'll finish each other off - or at least drain themselves to a point where Clare can finish it. Remember, despite that vile, despicable and unforgivable cheapshot, Yagi has been working hard at redeeming Priscilla's character. I just don't see a Priscilla/Clare as likely anymore.

The new enemy is quite clearly the Org, and there is nothing to indicate Clare and the gang are not strong enough for that.
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