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Old 2009-12-03, 04:42   Link #216
The One Eyed King
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Lurking Up Ahead
@Gooral (or anyone wanting to debate Rosemary's power or read a debate on it), I appreciate the gesture of taking me up on the challenge of trying to convince me of Rosemary being an AO but I failed to see any new ideas in your post and you didn't tie in anything from this chapter. In short the way you approached this was the same way you would have months ago and I've debated all this before and formed my opinion based on those debates.

I was hoping you'd find some way to address my concerns with some new ideas and/or stuff from chapter 98. Thanks for giving it a go though .

So, before you begin to read what I wrote in response... please realize I slammed half of what you posted and disagreed with the rest. If you don't want to get into another debate with me then feel free to skip my response. I understand, you know how much of a hard ass I can be on a position. Since I felt nothing had changed based on your response... my response hasn't changed either and we both know each others positions. However if you want to debate back feel free too... though I don't know how busy I'll be in the following days. So I can't guarantee a quick response.

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