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Old 2009-12-03, 21:24   Link #656
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: New York, NY
Originally Posted by DeX-kun View Post
I'm not so sure about the blogs being recycled from the online blogs but at least they didn't name it a "Visual Collection." I hope they decide to release a Visual Collection for Ranka somewhere in the future with Risa Ebata helping out.
But again what's the point, its just a blog entry? If that's all it is then they just should have put it in her blog. If they had named it a "Visual Collection" with so few pictures people would ask for their money back. I do doubt that there will be a Visual Collection for Ranka, taking popularity into account it wouldn't be an economically sound decision for them to release another Ranka book. Especially when the movie stops showing in theaters. Also Risa Ebata did not contribute to the Ranka Book, only to the Sheryl one. It also depends wholly on the artist, on whether or not Ebata wants to draw Ranka. Really Its like they released a Sheryl book with new images and actual effort. Then they realized that they had to do one for Ranka too, while the movie was still in theaters so that it will sell well. So they made up a few blog entries, put in some interviews, a few pictures of Ranka and called it a day.
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