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Old 2009-12-04, 14:36   Link #4898
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Originally Posted by bladeofdarkness View Post
@Yoko Takeo
i said that it works IF the system is in any way functional
but i kinda find it hard to accept the notion that the state controllers get payed off to look the other way one something like fake votes
its not a small thing to fake votes
its the sort of thing that triggers revolutions (see iran)

you can lie about the small things and end up getting in trouble if its discovered
the big things are kinda more problematic
Yes, it is hard to accept, but you wouldn't believe just how much corruption there is in Europe, especially in Italy where people are paid just to be in parliament and nothing else as a consequence of personal favors and what not. Why do you think the majority of European governments are so eager to protect criminals? It is not because they think it is right for the criminal to reform himself or because they believe even they have a heart. No, it's because there is corruption and unsurprisingly enough, a number of politicians are guilty of some of the same crimes others are thrown in jail for. Rape, pedophilia (which is especially common among priests), black market deals with the Mafia (and Berlusconi was caught up in such an incident only a few days ago in fact), blackmailing, and the list goes on for hours. When you consider all of this, is it really that hard to believe that state controllers take bribes?

Originally Posted by bladeofdarkness View Post
i agree that you know from the start
i just dont think it does you much good
most dictators are VERY good at deflecting criticism by finding enemies from without to blame
most people would much sooner support their country in a war against a foreign enemy rather then they would protest against their own enemies from within any day of the week
thats why dictatorships are always in conflict with other countries throughout their existance
they cant survive without having someone to blame for everything
Democratic leaders are just as good if not better. Look at what Bush did to Saddam. That's why Bush decided to make war on terrorism after 9/11. He wanted to give the population a motivation to rally all of the US into a common cause. Democratic countries have also been in conflict with other countries too. It was a "democratic country" that caused WW2 to begin. And no, I don't mean Germany, I mean the allies such the UK and the other bigwigs at the time for being too appeasing toward Hitler when they knew he was a threat to them. Modern dictatorships don't have as great a history of conflict as democratic ones either. the USSR and Communist China were actually in very good terms with each other because they shared the same beliefs. There was conflict between dictatorships and democracies, but not between two dictatorships. Democracies also cannot survive without a scapegoat.
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