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Old 2009-12-06, 10:48   Link #53
Altima of the Gates
Casting a spell on you...
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Location: Where there are no mallets or tentacles.... and the female cast of Tenjou Tenge is mine, all mine!
Age: 40
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Well they (some of the critics) might be looking at it from the wrong angle here. Many are assuming that this decision was based purely on just selfish want for power.

I see it as her alleviating this strong stigma that goes around about Level 0's.
I'll use stronger stigmas to see if I can put up a clearer picture of where her mind is at. Despite the obvious claims to the contrary I'll get from people's responses, just hear me out. Have you never felt the pull to get married, and start a family, to just get into a relationship, even if there is no real need for you to do that? Well, that's because there is an almost indeliable mark on people who are choosing to remain alone. With Saten, you see that people who can't or don't progress are seen as dropouts, failures, defective, like being in a permanent Special Education program, and for any of you who have been in one of those, its kinda humiliating.

Even Mikoto seems to have understood what was going through her head and doesn't condemn her for it, because she too, ran to seek something much higher when it wasn't "necessary." This is on top of a lot of different things people have already pointed out, crimes so bad the Anti-Skill/Judgment can't keep up, the danger/helplessness she must feel daily, but also having that will to want to do something even when its dangerous for her. All of these things we're a part of her thought processes.

Rather than thinking of her giving something dangerous to her friends, look at it this way. She is a middle school student. She is thinking they want it as badly as she does, and since they are her friends, she wants to help them. They have heard all the shady rumors of the Level Upper, and they aren't brainless animals, so they have decided to take it. She didn't force it onto their ears. If they had rejected it as too shady, I'm sure she would have just done it herself eventually, she wouldn't force them to do it. Yes, she didn't want to try using it alone, but they themselves tried it of their own volition. She was ignorant of the side effects until Akemi just collapsed, and she has only seen the good benefits of LU.
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