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Old 2009-12-06, 14:25   Link #63
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Joe_fh View Post
Well that was an argument that worked before she actually got her power in ep 10 when she clearly showed the reason for wanting a power which 1st couldn't really amke any difference in helping and secnd she said nothing about using it to help people at all.
Yes, yes, we get it. You're a goddamn saint and everything you do is for the sake of helping people. Please realize it's an unrealistic expectation to put on others.

I highly doubdt that. Yes she coudln't gain a power but she could study seriously to achive something instead of going around doing nothing and be mind-absent in class.
From the get-go, she never had the ambition or drive to achieve greatness. Who does? Again, very few people. She just wanted to have fun. Like most children out there. From that point of view, she didn't do too badly.

Well I doubt 3 people who's lives are ok will take something shady that might turn them into criminals and something even worse might happen.
What are you talking about? People with great lives piss it all away by taking drugs all the time.

People seem to really forget the criminal tendency of LU users.
We're not forgetting it, we're doubting it. Sure, Kuroko mentioned such a tendency, but why? Correlation isn't causation. And even that correlation is in doubt. Not only do we not know who used the LU - it's possible that mostly delinquents used it, for example - but it's obvious that, of those, the ones Judgment would hear about are those dumb enough to make something to get arrested. That'd make for a serious sample bias.

Sure, it's possible that the boost in power resulted in a boost in confidence, which in turn made people more aggressive. So? If you're relatively law abiding in the first place, is a bit more confidence going to turn you into a criminal?

We know only part of them are like since we know everything that happens around but Saten knows it most probably leads to it.
She knows very little. The manga translation I read's even more ambiguous. What Kuroko said could have been interpreted as "those who go for easy solutions like the LU are more likely to turn to crime". Which is all very nice for an elite like her to say, but would sound pretty unconvincing (not to mention holier-than-thou) to a level 0 like Saten.

And that's because she surrounded herself with them. Only criminals and Judjement can use their power in the open.
What are you talking about? They all can. As long as they don't break laws. There are places like Tokiwaidai's dorm where it's indeed forbidden, but there's never been talk of a global ban.

Well her mother didn't even want her to go in the first place cause she though it was dangerous. That would mean that Sate just proved her point by doing somethin dangerous. Also she could always go back to her home and from what we know her mother would probably be happier and in no way dissapointed.

Yes but every person drops their childish dreams at one point. I seriously don't see a reason at all why she should be special. Everoyne's dreams go down in flames when the grow older but no one goes around doint what they want to do by sayin "well its my dream so it's ok and I had no idea that it might be dangerous". How do you see that happening in reality?

Well sorry if it sounded like that I didn't really meanit as such. I just said I can't feel sympathy towards her because her actions were wrong and she even involved her friends without understanding what she was getting them into which is even worse. So in this sense you could say she's cold blooded.
Or, you know, normal.

Yep you're right people like those are rare. But we saw taht in general Saten didn't want a power to help people she wanted it because she wanted it for the sake of having one. And yes hobbies are serious business but I don't see how that can work as an excuse for them to do somthing similar to what Saten did.
Shinji's example with the athletes and steroids a few episodes back still works best for this situation
I'm saying I find, independently of Saten's action, your insistence that she should only want things to help others be unsightly. Yes, she wanted something for herself. So? It's wrong to want things, now?

She never meant any harm. At that point, the LU was barely more than an urban legend. She knew it existed, and she had some evidence it worked. But how bad could a music file be?

Well really now I never said that. Anyway when you're depressed and about to do something that is obviously dangerous you usally talk to people. At least that's the normal way to do things.
The normal way is to talk to people who'll tell you what you want to hear. If you don't actually want to do it, you'll seek to people who'll talk you out of it. If you do, you'll seek those who'll encourage you, or better yet, accompany you.

In a case where you use a shady mp3.file that people beat each other for,
Like any fad, it's worth money, yes. So?

is inviestigated at the moment and from what Satem knew it most probably led to commiting crimes
"Most probably"? No.

had and had unkwon side effects absolutely NO.
Everything can have unknown side effects. Maybe my next sentence will make your head explode. Are you going to keep reading?

I can't see how someone could even consider this is ok to do.
It's a bit on the reckless side, yes. But understandable.

I have no idea what kids do in school and from waht I see around me I do believe it's not study. Anyways when I was 13 years old I studied a lot^^ Of course no one can study all that time but from what we've seen it's not like she's trying.
Which, again, is entirely normal. Kids goof around. What else is new?

Well "people who use it seem to have a tendency to commit crimes and it probably has unknow side effects" coming from people who are investigating an uknow device that lets you level up in an uknown way and is sold "under the table" seems to give a pretty good idea it's dangerous. The "we've seen more than she has" part actually makes you think that. Saten doesn't know all the things we know. The only info she has about it is the one I just said.
In other words, she knows Kuroko knows nothing.

Where was it mentioned at all there were plenty of LU users walking around? In fact Saten didn't even know the ones the encountered in the early episodes where LU users. The only thing that she knew about it was what Kuroko told her which I said above.
Plenty of LU users committing crimes -> plenty of LU users. Especially if you take into account that for everyone one of them captured, there's an indeterminate number of people who didn't do anything and thus weren't spotted.
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