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Old 2009-12-06, 17:23   Link #72
Join Date: Dec 2008
To support what many have said, LU is very similar to some experimental medication. Many people participate in trials for medications with some unknown side effects. The purpose, perhaps, can be to alleviate bothersome but not life threatening conditions, such as diarrhea or incontinence. A parallel can be drawn that like these patients, she lacked something the majourity of people around her have.

To place this in another context, perhaps it will be helpful to imagine that Saten has mental retardation (IQ<70). There is an experimental therapy that may increase IQ up to >70, thus lifting her above mental retardation as defined by DSM IV. The therapy may have extraneous side effects. (Parselus argued correctedly a long long time ago that all medications are toxins depending on dose and absorption.)

I am throwing out random thought situations that may or may not help people see the situation from another angle. However, like all moral and ethical arguement, many of the angles are correct, so perhaps there is no definite answer as to whether what Satan did was moral or ethical (any one up to researching ethical calculus? We don't need to be on Alpha Centuri to do this! :P)
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