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Old 2009-12-06, 18:47   Link #6829
Unashamed Kalulu fan
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Age: 45
Originally Posted by Meatrose View Post

No, it can not be considered canon and Star Wars' Expanded Universe is not considered canon.
also from Wikipedia:

The Star Wars canon consists of the six Star Wars feature films, along with all officially licensed, non-contradicting spin-off works to the six films. As once defined by Lucas Licensing:

We have what we call Canon, which is the screenplays, novelizations, and other works that are directly tied into continuity, and then there are a lot of marginal things, like the old Marvel Comics series, that we don't really try to work into the continuity when we're planning new projects. Even the LucasArts interactive games have a premise, a backstory with player characters that we're trying to tie into the overall continuity. It is sort of a godlike undertaking. We are creating this universe as we go along, but somebody has to keep his finger on everything that came before.

— Allan Kausch, from The Secrets of Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
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