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Old 2004-08-09, 15:51   Link #4012
Victim of Zeta Reticulins
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Located Mr. Quareteth, moving in.
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Originally Posted by Ambience Blue
Aahhsin: 9.99/10!! JOJO-san would be proud I found it absolutely hilarious that you have the finger pointing down at the girl, ROFLMAO!

Prince of Chronics: Interesting. No idea where it's from, but it works. 8.5/10

Lunchboxx: Ack! Not you too! The 3bil cuteness and the catgirl thread continue their menace! I cannot resist the cutenes... 9.9/10

Harogenki: US? MAJESTIC? Reticulins? I'm lost here... 3/10 (until further clarification)

Expect a new sig soon... This cuteness is getting hard to keep up.
3?! 3?!!!!!!!?! I'll explain nothing *slaps you* and since your signature pic doesnt have the whole bunnygirl you get an F, F I SAY, F!
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