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Old 2009-12-14, 17:54   Link #260
Letter from lost days ~
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Netherlands / Turkey
Age: 35
Kanon is a work-name. Beato uses word games. You should be aware of it by now.
Why not use it on Kanon, which is not even a real name?

I'm not saying Kanon is dead is another person in another world. It might be an unknown worker (most likely a servant) who is actually named Kanon. You can't deny the possibility of an actual person named Kanon once existed on the island that we're not aware of. As silly as it may sound, this might as well be the case.

There might be other ways to justify Kanon is dead. But my point is not justifying red. Because our knowledge of what the actual red could have been is limited. What I'm trying to argue here is, "Kanon is dead" is most likely a dirty word-play Eva-Beato uses to trick Battler - nothing else.
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