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Old 2009-12-17, 00:48   Link #465
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Originally Posted by chibamonster View Post
I think we need to talk about how stories work Shiek. If there is a time bomb very few authors have the bomb difuse itself (unless it is a joke). The reason the time bomb is there in the first place is to add tension! Raki's plot is thickening as Ryuken said. A release of tension would happen when Raki meets Clare and they live happily ever after.

Sure Raki could escape. But then why would Yagi go to all the effort of making Raki the only controlled element the organization has linking them to the destroyer to have him get away and disarm the tension? Naturally the only reason is because it is important to the plot. I think even making Raki into a monster increases the tension (though how it will happen I do not know). The series is a look into the question, "what is the difference between a human and a monster"? We see humans who are monsters and monsters who are humans

I think the same holds true for Clare. Why go to all the effort of showing her back story about Teresa if it is unimportant? Clare is also a ticking time bomb of tension. We have seen her go berserk several times, and Helen and Deneve confirmed this is still an issue. Priscilla is also a ticking time bomb. Raki warned, "she is at her limits" and would soon probably eat him. And Priscilla may have mentally lost Raki the moment he was hit.
I think we've learned from Alicia's death that we can't predict what Yagi is going to do, based merely on what we know about storytelling.

He's unpredictable; every single one of us was sure Alicia was going to join Riful and that it was being set up. Before 98, no one would have said that both Alicia and Beth would die by Priscilla, probably because it would feel wasteful.

It was the same with's the same with many characters actually. Every-time it feels like Yagi is setting up for something, he throws a curveball to knock the readers. We all try to get an impression on him and his style, alongside what we know from the story, to better our chances of a successful prediction of the next chapter. Most of the time however, to our delight, what happens is usually something none of us expect. Yagi always leaves a small to big deal certain moments alone, so we can piece and figure out what happened on our own and make our own theories(for example, everything that exactly happened with Raki and Priscilla in the town, or the battle that cost Cynthia her innards), keeping up the excitement and predictions going until we eventually get the hands-on truth, and even then, it probably won't be much. Rarely do we get a 100% easy-to-understand explanation on a topic; their is always enough for us to be empty-handed and think of our own stuff, and even then, the answer always knocks us off our feet.

Point being Chiba; expect the unexpected, and never be too sure of your predictions, especially when you think they are building toward a certain sure-fire path because of things like conventions. We all have our own predictions, partly based on what we think is going to happen, and partly on what we want to happen. I don't want Raki to end up a puppet of the Organization, but at the same time, I also know he is too mentally strong to be controlled anyway; so even if they did do stuff to him, he wouldn't end up like Alicia and her sister.

Will he make to the Org? Will he break out because something happens on the journey? I don't know, but I'm always ready for a surprise.
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