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Old 2009-12-21, 06:36   Link #187
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Originally Posted by tcaz2 View Post
I've never understood why people say this dragged, because it is expertly paced. There's a difference between not finding something exciting/interesting and it 'dragging'.

It goes from one interesting point to the next with very little to just be exposition, and when there's too much exposition in a part of the story, it breaks it up with a Meta-World scene or a 1998 Ange investigation, respectively.
I think that is pretty much based on opinion and how much a reader wants to spend on a certain part.
I also found some parts of Umineko close to dragging, because sometimes Ryukishi just can't let a scene go and keeps on describing, describing and there are points where he crosses the border to too much, for some people.

I didn't think it was as bad as Higurashi, where after a while the club games started to feel like they dominated 60-70% of the game for me...but Umineko had similar moments, for me for example the magical battles were always a big bore.

Because Ryukishi has such an elaborate writing style, people easily grow bored during the passages that don't interest them. While he is a great writer and I love his works, this I would say is his one serious weakpoint.
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