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Old 2009-12-23, 22:37   Link #934
Join Date: Apr 2006
Originally Posted by GundamAce View Post
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As for what you can do to replenish your fuel for Ever17 material, you could try reading the Japanese fanfics like I am. While I don't know enough to read them, I know a site that allows you to read what most of the Kanji and other sentences say enough so that you basically understand the concept of the sentence you're reading. I've done that on several fanfics so far, and have found myself enjoying them. So that's one way you can satisfy your hunger if you're willing to try it.

Unfortunately, however, I think that that fansite is the only remaining place on the internet with fresh Ever17 material that I've seen, and I don't think there's any more beyond that It's hard, I guess, when this game really is more or less just a cult classic with a fandom that is not as big as the fandoms for other big Visual Novels like Tsukihime, Fate Stay Night, KEY's works, and Higurashi or Umineko (granted, those are all exceptional VNs in their own right.) Oh well, we might as well enjoy what's left, right?

As for the fanfics, that sounds like a good idea. I'll try that out sometime, though most likely limiting myself to the ones of Coco. And maybe Sara and family. <_<

Besides that... Well, a random trip to 2chan during Coco's birthday taught me that there definitely exists plenty of Ever17 stuff still unknown to this side of the world (some that might have been best left unseen >_>), but I believe Ever17 is more than a cult classic, even if its popularity over the years doesn't quite compare to those you listed. It's definitely still one of the most-celebrated VNs even today.
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