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Old 2009-12-24, 09:59   Link #172
Self Proclaimed Detective
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Inaba
Well it's been a while since I played/read the VN but the scene was something like Ange telling Battler not to look at her while she tells him about how much she misses him and that she has realized that if Battler does return, he doesn't return to "the Ange in the MetaWorld."

Eventually, her hands slip off Battler, and he looks back, seeing a pile of blood and clothes. Battler looks at Bern and Lambda and asking what happened. Bern (or i think it was Bern) said that the witch's tools/a pincer was picking at Ange to shreds, and that they were just sitting there, watching. Bern then later made a joke that Ange was going to be made into a burger.
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