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Old 2009-12-27, 18:06   Link #4512
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by chronotrig View Post
We see the letter and hear the knock because everyone in the room at the time lied to Krauss and said that this happened. They all shared in the same lie, so it was possible for the "magic" to be shown during the game, even though there was no knock and the letter was written by Eva and friends.

You have to find loopholes in the red for this to work, but I think you can argue that Lambda only says "they never misheard a knock", not "there was a knock that couldn't have been misheard". If you think about it, the letter is ridiculously advantageous to the other siblings. It means that even if Kinzo goes missing, they still have evidence that he passed the headship on to Battler.

I don't have a full theory here though...
The main problem is the ring. We know someone who isn't Kinzo has it. It doesn't appear that Krauss and Natsuhi have it. Therefore, someone has it, and it's probably the same person every time.

So even if everybody faked the letter, someone had to also provide Battler with the signet ring. It's entirely possible that person was in on it of course, but they'd basically have to admit that they had the ring. If it was Genji, of course perhaps that's expected. If it was, say, Shannon...
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