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Old 2009-12-28, 18:19   Link #3018
Awe of She
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Orlando
Hnn, seems that I missed a rather intense battle here a few weeks ago. And I didn't even mean to become drawn into it either.

Anyway, welcome Saint Salty - you'll find no loss of fanatical love of Claymore here. XD

And yes, since the ORG has effectively lost it's #1 and #2 to Priscilla, chances of them restarting the Male Claymore Program using Raki as the cornerstone does seem feasible. He's been around Youma, Claymores, and Awakened beings ever since he was a child - it's one hell of a longshot but there is a very very very slight chance that all that 'youki poisoning' (i.e. radiation poisoning) has changed him somehow.

If you work with it long enough, you will be changed by it - the same could be said of the MIB as well.
"Focus entirely on me, you ordinary soldier."
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