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Old 2009-12-30, 12:06   Link #89
reads too much
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: you know that's a great question.....
Originally Posted by Quarkboy View Post
But practically, that's a really naive viewpoint.

All the shows are available online streaming, always. The only difference is whether there is a _legal_ streaming method or whether it's only fansubs.

So are you going to argue that only legal streams decrease the likelihood of people buying the DVDs? The number of people who watch the legal streams still tends to be less than the overall piracy numbers...
Um, I'm not arguing anything. I'm just saying that's what I've heard, and what TJR said is also interesting. I'm of the opinion that legal streaming for all shows would be the best bet for these companies (so they would at least net some money), and that the streaming rights would be renegotiated upon licensing.

Anyway, read the first few chapters of Dhurarara online last night and I think the action scenes should look pretty good animated (they felt a little clunky when I was just reading them). And so far it seems to be a lot more straightforward than Baccano so hopefully that will draw more people in.
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