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Old 2010-01-07, 16:45   Link #252
Roger Rambo
Sensei, aishite imasu
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Hong Kong Shatterdome
Originally Posted by TrueKnight View Post
Who says it has to be thousand times greater? Who says it has to do with size? Actually I was thinking more like cost efficiency on the ISV so it could be mass-produced. The previous models before the ISVs were actually ¼ larger than the ISV, but they manage to reduce it to the current ISV’s size right now. If they can do that why couldn’t they start R&D to further increase cost efficiency and eventually mass producing? The amount of capital required would be enormous, but considering the worth of the unobtanium, its worth it.
The advances in star ship design from what I have read, is mainly that once humans got a hold of significant quantities of unobtanium that they were able to produce more efficient anti matter drives. The dramatic increase in efficiency was because they acquired a better natural resource.

While a concentrated R&D effort certainly could produce more efficient engine designs, the problem comes from the current human star ships being hundreds to possibly thousands of orders of magnitude not efficient enough for the job being proposed here. You're talking about many generations of technological advancement here. You can't just make this kind of jump at the drop of a hat.
Originally Posted by TrueKnight View Post
Okay, point taken. Then the humans could just aim their nukes at Eywa and several Na'Vi settlement without harming the ubnotanium.
Eywa IS the planet. She's consists of every single networked tree on the planet. She also has control of an entire planet filled with the most dangerious organisms mankind has ever encountered.

If you don't want the landing mission to get torn to shreds, you bassically have to kill a large percentage of the biomass at least on the continent you land on.
Originally Posted by TrueKnight View Post
Manufacturing equipments must be transported along other war gears like Scorpions because the planet’s surfaces already categorized as hostile. So I think Scorpions and any other weapons are a must. And just how much tonnage or kilos do Scorpions weights anyway? Several ISVs or other military vessels should be able to bring around 50 of them.
Except manufacturing equipment doesn't matter if you don't have the raw materials to feed into them so they can build what you want. Meanining the invasion force has to come in with resource gathering gear not to get Unobtanium, but more mundane resources just so they can manufacture ammo.

And it's not just a matter of transporting vehicles. You can cram the ISV's full of tons of empty vehicles. The problem comes when you consider that vehicles without fuel, ammo, spare parts and maintenance personell are militarily worthless. Even under ideal conditions vehicles needs ALLOT of all these things, but in this situation where you're effectively out of reach of any immediate resupply you're going to have to bring even more along with you.

Originally Posted by TrueKnight View Post
Actually it just crosses my mind as why the hell did RDA didn’t built or construct a military space station capable storing up the war gears?
Why would you build a space station to store weapons and ammo if you could store it down in your fortified base camp?
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