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Old 2010-01-08, 17:36   Link #2048
Join Date: Jun 2009
Originally Posted by ijriims View Post

I found it strange that Kyrie having such a outstanding westernized name had not been discussed in the game if it was wrong...
My problems with a Kyrie=Beatrice theory are... well, numerous.

As to this particular point though, I'd argue against such a theory simply because noone has ever discussed the oddity of her name. Knox's 8th (as it appears in the game): The mystery cant be solved with unknown clues. To turn it on it's head, you could then say that if Kyrie's name was considered odd, or that she had some kind of connection to Kinzo/Beatrice, clues must have been presented that show this.

I don't remember any. Was it even said that Kyrie and Kasumi were half sisters? I don't recall.

I'll admit, I've got my own theories about Kyrie. Episode 5 made it clear that she's the mastermind behind the plan to extort Krauss. And she was the one to confront Krauss about Kinzo in Episode 4 and cage him in with the agreement about the caretaker's 'duties'. I just don't think there's any meat to the theory that she's Beatrice, or has some connection or relation to Beatrice.
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