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Old 2010-01-13, 21:10   Link #1519
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Originally Posted by Wilfriback View Post
Well, for me Touma counts more as protagonist of the magic side rather than science side since Accelerator become the protagonist in the science even more with his problems with the RCC and GRS, althought Touma is not a magician.
Sure Touma handles all the dirty work when it comes to Magic, but what I meant is a main protagonist that comes from a Magic background.

Then again, babohtea has a point, we already have too many characters. Though it doesn't really bother me that much, because storywise we have several POVs, sometimes they don't even cross.

Can Hamazura Shiage be considered a main protagonist? I know he's the Anti-Aleister plan and all, but aside from scoring Rikou and defeating Mugino (Or is it 'scoring Mugino' as well ?) , what else did he do? How did he cross path with Accelerator in Volume 19?
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