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Old 2010-01-13, 23:41   Link #2133
I know we have bread!
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Chicago
Age: 40
Originally Posted by Knicknevin View Post
True, but...
Spoiler for space:
I'll give it a quick whack.
(I still have yet to map Ep5, but right now I'm working on Ep2.)

I suppose that if "Beatrice" has been obsessing on how to perform a series of thirteen murders for the past few months or so, and then suddenly this girl washes ashore out of nowhere, it could mean that "Beatrice" wanted to go scouting for the next few hours before she could finally hand the letter over to Maria... or she was suddenly overwhelmed with unexpected servant tasks, giving her no time to do what she had in mind. But then, the next thing she knows is that the Epitaph has been solved. To me, it seems a bit feasible.

One thing that bothers me a bit is that someone still bothered to put up a magic circle. Should I assume that anyone can learn how to write magic circles? I would, but that seems like a sloppy assumption.

My current favorite model of "Team Epitaph" involves "Beatrice" and her "accomplices". If we assume that they are the only ones familiar with the plan, perhaps someone wanted to continue it anyways in some sort of rebellion. By that, I mean "Beatrice" said, "Okay, the Epitaph was solved, ditch the plan," but the "rebel" decides to disobey. But since this "rebel accomplice" is inferior to "Beatrice", he/she does a shoddy job of drawing a magic circle and doesn't even try to close the rooms.

You can hereafter refer to this as the "Team Epitaph Rebellion Theory".

So, given that there is a "Team Epitaph", who would rebel in Ep5, and why? Or if that model cannot work, then was information leaked outside of the Team?

Originally Posted by maximilianjenus View Post
Or it could be simpler, if the gold is found, a safe room is found and whatever kills battler at the end of the last day, which also happens to kill everybody else alive and is named beatrice (going by Ep4 red text) is avoided by staying in the safe room with the gold.
It could work. I hesitate to fully accept it simply because it implies a fantastic device/bomb is used to mysteriously kill / cause to disapper the remaining individuals, while the already-dead corpses are still intact for the official autopsies.

On the other hand, do we know for a fact that the corpses are still intact after the police show up?
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