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Old 2010-01-18, 20:42   Link #4
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Planet X
Originally Posted by Konakaga View Post
you realizes shounen and shoujo are opposites thus it's almost impossible for an anime to be both, right? xD

And I've seen Fruits Baskets isn't either of those or sports for that matter, and questionable at best for romance[at least the anime].

You're request is a bit vague/general since you named like half of major genres. If you're can reply more specifically what you want in a series, it's bit easier to recommend rather than going off that many genres, and similar to fruit baskets alone.

Also if you're really looking for 'reverse harem'[low female to high male cast] like Fruit Baskets then I don't know any really besides fruits basket.

If not, and you want any[or as many as possible] of those genre then I'd recommend:

For School Life/Comedy/Romance:
Clannad/After Story
Hatsukoi Limited

Also all three have some sports in them, but isn't focus of majority of episodes in them.

School Life/Comedy:
Haruhi Suzumiya
Sora no Manimani
Nyan Koi

Shounen/Romance/Comedy/Harem/Action/Some School Life:
Omamori Himari

School Life/Comedy[if don't mind moe, and girl cast basically]:
Lucky Star

Also I'll say Cross Game just cause how people talk about here, and you asked for sports, I am sure someone else can fit other genre of it, as I haven't seen it.

Hope this was of some help.
Thanks soooooo much! ^.^
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