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Old 2010-01-19, 16:01   Link #953
The Great Dine
Join Date: Feb 2009
My problem with Erika being a fake corpses is that

1) We have no knowledge of her existence until EP 5. Therefore using her to solve the game, when we had no idea she was even a possible element, technically goes against Knox Rule #8 (clues must be given) and the idea that you can use EP 1-4 alone to solve the game.

2) Erika is clearly a younger looking girl than Shannon. I'm sure Nanjo or Hideyoshi would have noticed, unless they decided to lie.

3) Erika is literally a random element. We don't know if she washes up on shore or not in the other games, whether it be dead or alive. This is why Hachijou was suddenly able to write her into the story, because there is a possibility of her washing up but it's also a possibility that she doesn't wash up.
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