Thread: Needless
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Old 2010-01-20, 10:48   Link #2918
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Join Date: Jun 2009
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speculating entire theories without anyting but a hair of fact or info is more or less the same as writing fan-fic. Its not realy helpfull to discussing matters at hand. If you want to fabricate fanstory's and stuff make a thread for it lol.

About Saten all we know is he is a plotting/tricking character, his name might refer to Satan from the bible. Also he has the tattoo on his left arm that gives him more powers.

Now being labeled Satan doesnt mean JACK at all, some examples.

Satan from South park is a gay lord of the underworld.
Satan in DBZ is a powerless human that lies and brags that he does have, his daughter Videl is a pun on devil.

So i say untill there is some real revelation on Saten in Needless its to early to make him more then 1 of the 4 missing links, since thats the only thing that hes labeled with so far. That he is more then that is even unknown, the old geezer might have said something about it. But even if Saten has some power from the 2nd then the other 3 Missing links could have as well. And saying things like body size etc is nonsence untill proven directly.
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