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Old 2010-01-23, 07:54   Link #1908
The Shermain
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: NY
Age: 45
Actually, I prefer it the way it's going now than how it was before. It was really plotless, random and shallow when it was just a school comedy. Medaka was overportrayed, taking up way too much of the manga, and you just can't relate to her. Zenkichi was supposed to be our connection to the world, but his role was minimized for quite a long time until the fighting actually started. He felt more like a side character instead of a main character because there was so much focus on Medaka.

I also didn't find her over-the-top abilities that amusing. Why? Because they weren't used properly, in my opinion. They were supposed to be funny, and the only time it actually made me laugh was when she was in the dog suit. Her powers were instead used to solve all the problems and it made things boring.

Due to this focus on Medaka and her abilities to the exclusion of all else, there was also no real relationships between the characters. No one cared about Akune or Kikaijima at first because they got one intro chapter after joining the council and then vanished for a while. Zen became less and less of a character and more like Medaka's lackey than a friend.

Say what you will about the fighting, at least it's brought a somewhat interesting story to the mix and the character interactions are getting much better because the focus isn't solely on Medaka anymore.

Last edited by KLGChaos; 2010-01-23 at 08:59.
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