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Old 2010-01-27, 13:33   Link #1816
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: フェイトの中
Originally Posted by 00-Raiser View Post
June, eh? Well that falls on no significant holiday, so looks like I'll be footing the bill for this myself. Well, I've always been pretty thrifty so it's ok if I splurge once in awhile, right?

I have to question this site, though. Is it any good? I mean, I had looked into it before, but quickly learned that there's no way of knowing how much shipping will cost until they charge your credit card, at which point cancelling is not an option. They don't even provide estimates like HLJ does. Well in this case I'd still get it despite the cost of shipping, but still.
It's okay to splurge every now and then. I've been saving up for year and a half and now I'm spending nearly 1k$ CAD in one go on seiyuu and Nanoha stuff. About 100$+ of that is actually due to customs & duty fees because Canada is awesome like that.

Considering how pretty much all my friends use that site, I'm guessing it's great.

Shipping rates here. More info about EMS and SAL here. It looks the same as HLJ.

If you use AmiAmi, it's pretty much the EMS rate +700 yen. They do use SAL if you request it.

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