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Old 2010-01-27, 19:51   Link #60
Blackbeard D. Kuma
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
Kinda depends on what you consider to be part of the "upper echelon"
Cause last i checked it took atleast 2 supernova's to take donw one and considering how the whole strawhat crew faired it likely wasn't easy... we are talking about machines that might be able to fight on the level of a 500-600 million bounty pirate (the bounty of all the strawhats, or Kidd+Law)... that what you need for an even fight... you'd have to be much higher than that to "make quick work of them"... we are talking about Yonkou level here
You're equating bounty to strength, and we know it doesn't work that way. We also don't know if Kidd and Law had trouble against the pacifista they encountered at the archipelago, since the fight happened off-screen.

The upper echelon would be comprised of individuals such as the shichibukai, admirals, Garp, Sengoku, emperors, Rayleigh, and whoever else Oda has yet to show us in the New World.

Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
Considering the only difference bewteen Kuma and the PX's is the lack of the Paw-paw fruit, they are each pretty close in level to him, and we know he is a monster
The ability to think and the paw-paw fruit make a huge difference. Kuma can easily dispose of the pacifistas just by touching them. They're not comparable to Kuma at all.
Speed is weight. Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?
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