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Old 2010-01-28, 07:39   Link #5778
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: China
Google "sister" launches in China
A new search engine and social network provider called Goojje has appeared online in China.

The site contains very similar branding to Google, and the final syllable "jje" sounds similar to the Mandarin word for older sister (jiejie).
There isn't much info here, but from this article, it looks like Goojje is meant to be used to support Google instead of a local "replacement". Whether that is true or not, we probably won't know till later.

Russia ready to rebuild Afghanistan but with Western funds
Russia is ready to help reconstruct Afghanistan, but it is up to Western countries to come up with the funds, a Russian newspaper reported on Wednesday, quoting Russia's envoy to NATO.
I'm guessing that this, given the "have not sent troops" statement, is aimed toward a few EU countries as well as, say, Japan? A bit cheeky, though, IMHO. Why wouldn't these target countries just send engineers on their own instead?
"If ignorance is bliss, then why aren't more people happy?" -- Misc.

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Currently playing: "Quest of D", "Border Break" and "Gundam Senjou no Kizuna".
Waiting for: "Shining Force Cross"!
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