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Old 2010-02-10, 19:55   Link #6023
Lost Cause
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Virginia
Age: 47
Common Sense and Responsibility or lack there of

Thank you Xellos THANK YOU!! You hit the bullseye and win the qupie doll! For a long time one of my pet peves has been the LACK of common sense and/or resposibility,especially by ADULTS! Granted I am 33 but there are people out there my age who do some of the most stupidest,ignorant things and then show up on the 5 o'clock(evening)news whineing about how they just didn't know or realize that if they did "A" that "B" would happen! Excuse me but when did consciense thought stop working,let alone common sense.
You see it everyday; People talking on their cells while driving,cleaning a gun they thought was unloaded,or changeing a light bulb while the switch is still on! Now you may say "Hey I've done that and nothing bad happened." And it may never happen BUT what if it does? Don't get me wrong Lord knows I've done some really bone headed things in my life and I'm not trying to preach to you guys either. Matter of fact I'm rather proud to be a part of such a bunch of "kids" who ARE THINKING outside the box! I feel that the world might be a better place with you guys manning the helm!
Question everything you are taught,think "is this news caster,politician,etc. really giving me the whole story?" and please don't be afraid to ask those hard questions to your folks,mentors,us older types,or someone you really trust! Remember to never stop learning or asking and we are all here for a reason: To HELP one another!
I would really like to know why back stabbing behind-the-back behavior is so reinforced on popular TV like survivor and big brother? Think about it their actually enforceing the belief that screwing one another over is a GOOD thing!
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