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Old 2003-12-01, 21:12   Link #83
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Age: 35
Originally Posted by Hunter
Where did you see Sasuke being lazy?
When he was in the coma in a hospital's bed?

This is exactly the annoying thing in the Sasuke's haters (and ponctually on some other characters too) they try to built some poor excuses to explain their hate.
If you say : I hate Sasuke, I dunno really why but I hate him, or because you don't like the stereotype of the dark avenger or whatever, well okey, fine, you can't like all the characters.

But stop inventing thing.
lol seriously I hate Sasuke because he's lazy
Get real 3 secondes please.

Sasuke is about the same level of Neji without using his seal, the only genins better than him are Gaara and Naruto, not because they work harder, but because they have a demon inside them.
Lee was the only ninja who could only counpt on his hardwork.
And he lost.

Maybe sad, but true.

Each time the manga has shown Sasuke training, he was serious, both Naruto and him trained all the nights for the tree thing and

So Sasuke lazy? lol try something else.

And for the Oro/Jiraiya point.

See.. even you agree. How come "Sasuke haters" always think up of new ideas of making a certain character look bad.

Originally Posted by juri_miki
I know I'm double posting, but I just have to address this issue.

Naruto was _not_ conceited ever. I will admit that when he did accomplish something his head blew up a little, but can't you guys see through that act?

He was simply covering up for the weak person he was. Ever heard anything about the person in the group that talks the most shit? That's the one you go after first, because most likely they are the weakest. That had been proved in this anime over and over again.

There was nothing for Naruto to be conceited about, he knew how weak he was that why he's trying so damn hard now. He even admitted to that in episode 59.
You're gonna have to go watch Naruto again and tell me that because i do believe he was conceited. Notice that i said was.
As much as i love him... im not gonna lie to myself and say he's perfect in every way.
If you still dont believe it then i'll give you some examples. But... for now... we'll see...
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