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Old 2010-02-19, 19:13   Link #455
Hiding Under Your Bed
Join Date: May 2008
Unless there's a huge revelation and another twist next week, any sympathy I had gained last week for Noloty vanished this week. Always leave it to the doe-eyed idealist to screw things up.

And wtf. A lizard? I mean, I'm used to scratching my head in regards to this series, but wtf?

My initial thought was Noloty is killed, Arkit had developed feelings for her and blames the Librarians, which just compounds his already existing hatred for them. How this works is confusing. Cerulean Death seemed to be a disease spread through that blue liquid, but it's supposed to fill those infected with despair. Arkit supposedly has the ability to impart his hatred to other's souls. All these attacking soldiers seem to be infected with Cerulean Death, but rather than being filled with despair, they seem to be filled with Arkit's hatred. Arkit himself seems to be covered with Cerulean Death liquid (as a lizard, so once again, wtf). How Cerulean Death is spreading so fast, when it seemed from the previous episode to be spread by liquid form, is puzzling to say the least (especially how it spread so fast to the residents of Bantorra Island).

Of course, the simple Noloty died, spurring Arkit's rage scenario is probably too obvious to be right. Throw in whatever this wish of Noloty's was that she wasn't able to make come true, and I'm sure next week will throw another curve ball. Especially since the biggest problem with such a simple scenario is that Arkit was already angry at the Librarians; he hardly needed more to be angry about.

I admit I'm still confused as to how serious the Governor is in his "rebellion" against the Library. Maybe it's all supposed to be an act, but he sure seems to be pushing a bit harder than one might expect from an actor. :/
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