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Old 2010-02-24, 01:13   Link #1244
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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Problem is with Haruhi I can't imagine there being too many scenes where high movement will be required. I expect a handful of greatly animated scenes, but not the world for the entire movie proper based on some oddities I've already noticed in the trailers. After watching Gundam Unicorn Episode 1 last night I don't really expect much of anything to match up to it for the rest of this year besides the second episode in October simply based on the absurdly high detail of the character and mecha designs and the unlikelihood of there being anything with anywhere near as many high movement scenes alone, but Vanishment can certainly pick up points in the areas where it goes all out with it's lot.
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