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Old 2010-03-09, 23:41   Link #17
Join Date: Feb 2009
Originally Posted by LVD View Post
This, Kirihara Misaki from Darker than Black or Allison & Lillia are ones I'd nominate for best performances from her.

Notice how there's a lack of animegoe.

lol, didn't know the seiyuu cast for Minami-ke aside from the three main girls. Guess I heard enough of Nana by then to realize she was voicing Touma. =w=;
Mizuki Nana has an abundance of "animegoe" as you put (actually, i'm not even exactly sure what that means (^ ^ ; ) ) , but the ones that stand out are the ones that aren't in the usual repertoire.

Originally Posted by LVD View Post
Er, Yukarin and Nana have been voice acting for around eleven or twelve years, only getting any real roles within the last ten. I'd consider them pros at most. Nothing "veteran" level, as in they won't get paid extra to appear in a show/episode. Well, maybe Nana if they want someone to sing, even though she's pretty expensive to hire. Heck, someone as talented as Sawashiro Miyuki is still a pro.
oh no, believe me i know they've been at it for a while already. i was just saying that it's been booming ever since obviously more for Mizuki Nana (deservedly so too). ok i'll admit giving them "veteran" status was a bit much.....that's saved for the likes of Inoue Kikuko and Hidaka Noriko. i agree with your term for "pro" for Tamura Yukari and Mizuki Nana as it it's above average but not yet legendary. though i say that, Mizuki Nana is setting records for her singing career, no?

Originally Posted by LVD View Post
Yukarin's been in a slump the past couple of years, but hopefully she'll get more roles. This year is looking brighter than last year at any rate. It seems like her and Horie Yui switch in terms of roles every few years? Or maybe I'm just losing it.
slump? really? never really noticed as i thought she was doing pretty good. though i say that, i'm not a hardcore follower of her and am only judging this based off of series she's been in and her somewhat popularity in the music scene. you know it's interesting though, that comment you made about Horie Yui and Tamura Yukari switching off......actually makes sense. it's like when one is out of the picture, the other is in the spotlight. weren't they in a duo together for singing before?

Originally Posted by LVD View Post
Thank you, Shuffle Challenge, for ruining certain scenes of the Nanoha series for me. Yukarin rapping as Vita is awesome, but at the same time....
the best performance in the shuffle has to go to either Inoue Marina for her witty comment as Yuuno or to Yuzuki Ryoka (Shamal for those who included) as Vita for starting off the whole ad libbing thing. wish they showed the whole event and not just clips of them

Originally Posted by Nya~n View Post
The thread is already up? Begun, the Seiyuu War has.

Personally if you ask me, Mizuki's performance was weak. I mean, don't take me the wrong way way, i LOVE her old songs before her mainstream songs turned me off, her enka background ensured that, but with the range of emotions that Fate displayed imo, was displayed in a rather plastic-y manner by Mizuki, using the textbook I-AM-SUFFERING-PLEASE-FEEL-FOR-ME range of voice that seiyuus are trained to do when they're in training school. Any novice would have pulled off the same standard as Mizuki did for Fate.

And then there's Yukarin and her usual way of voice acting, but like i mentioned, it's her "usual way of voice acting" anyway. Any of the complaints one would hear from a critic on her usual acting could and would be applied.

Ueda, on the other hand, was terrific compared to the other two when she portrayed Hayate. There is an edge to her voice that expressed the character.

[edit]: now typing on the others. come back in half an hour.
now here's the thing with this series, in all honesty, Nanoha and Fate are the most blank characters of all the characters particularly with Fate. sure Nanoha has her moments, but overall they are just super badasses in fighting. later on in A's and Strikers, the other characters were given more personalities than the main heroines which gave them an appeal. they couldn't just up and change Nanoha and Fate's personalities, so their voice direction were still bland and uninspired.....but still badass with their fights. so it sucked for Mizuki Nana who could do so much more (think Material L in Battle of Aces), but there's nothing i would change for them because it wouldn't have the same feel. i'm just glad they weren't overly cutesy and moeblobish to the point of disgust (i'm looking at you K-ON).

.....anyone catch the Cherio! reference?.........failed........orz

Last edited by uragayduck2; 2010-03-10 at 00:10.
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