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Old 2010-03-10, 00:16   Link #18
Join Date: Oct 2007
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Originally Posted by Nya~n View Post
Any novice would have pulled off the same standard as Mizuki did for Fate.
Oh no, Nana's your average seiyuu all right. I don't think she's great, but I don't think she's terrible. Most seiyuu [back then] had some sort of standard. Today, it's slowly changing and you can tell when seiyuu have to be concerned about their appearances.

Any novice, you say? Yes, I would have loved to hear someone as shaky as Omigawa Chiaki. Not too impressed with Kotobuki Minako, but she's young and new. Itou Shizuka wasn't that great to begin with either and now look at her.

o jeez, it sounds like I'm defending Nana in voice acting, of all things.
And then there's Yukarin and her usual way of voice acting, but like i mentioned, it's her "usual way of voice acting" anyway. Any of the complaints one would hear from a critic on her usual acting could and would be applied.
Not going to take the bait. I will say one thing: Yukarin's ad-libs are awesome.

If I really wanted to be mean, I'd say everyone sounded generic. How do you set apart the real pros from one another in terms of acting? I'm sure most people I know would go with timbre and the characters they've voiced over the actual acting, lol. Which is why I'll be bitter about Miyukichi wi- Seiyuu awards are rigged, nevermind.

Originally Posted by uragayduck2 View Post
Mizuki Nana has an abundance of "animegoe" as you put (actually, i'm not even exactly sure what that means (^ ^ ; ) ) , but the ones that stand out are the ones that aren't in the usual repertoire.
animegoe = アニメ声 = mean way to talk about high-pitch, kiddy voices.
though i say that, Mizuki Nana is setting records for her singing career, no?
Because otaku and fan girls are the only people that actually buy things, so Oricon sales in general are bad. Plus, KR is learning when to release her stuff to help with reaching #1. But let's not talk much about her smashing seiyuu singing records.
slump? really? never really noticed as i thought she was doing pretty good.
2004~2006, Yukarin had a majority of the better roles. 2007 was nearly equal for them. 2008~2009 is definitely in Hocchan's favour.
weren't they in a duo together for singing before?
Yamato Nadeshiko.... more famous for their not singing. Naked hotel ramps, calling each other by first name without honorifics (ry
the best performance in the shuffle has to go to either Inoue Marina for her witty comment as Yuuno or to Yuzuki Ryoka (Shamal for those who included) as Vita for starting off the whole ad libbing thing. wish they showed the whole event and not just clips of them
I was talking about the radio one. orz

Yeah, the whole thing is cool. I love how they have that microphone effect for Yukarin in each event. These were an hour or two long, so no wonder we only got to see clips. ^^;
.....anyone catch the Cherio! reference?.........failed........orz
Fcuk yeah, Togame. Ep 03 didn't have a lot of her, but it was still ffffffff hair.

Jeebus wiggly, trying to post while watching blu-rays takes way longer and lag and arghhhh. orz

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