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Old 2010-03-21, 16:10   Link #6241
Join Date: Aug 2009
Originally Posted by alu546 View Post
That is partially true, but I remember a few years ago that Hata also said this was originally supposed to be about Hinagiku, but it ended up being to serious a story to quuualify as Shonen. So using that as my most clear(frooom my memory) example, I go back to my previous statement. It feels like he is cramming every story he has ever written into one. It doesnt matter what it was at the conceptual stage, the point is to bring her in so late is foring me to suspend disbelief, as opposed to the fondness I wouldve felt fo her had I known who she was in the previous 16 volumes. This is supposed to be HnG, not Royal Garden. Anyway, I probably wont catch up all the way until tomorrow.
The Katsuri sisters had a different story for them with their debts (which took place 10 years before HnG time-line wise) but it failed, and Hata recycled the characters as he always does and put them in HnG.

The Royal Garden was the original plan of HnG with some changes so you can't really classify them as two different manga. Introducing a character so late was a risky move done by Hata, but he pulled it off beautiful, I think. I have no complaints.
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