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Old 2010-03-22, 01:03   Link #763
Kurumada's lost child
Join Date: Nov 2003
Whatever the doomsayers want to say, common sense still stands. The bill although flawed due to intense lobbying by insure companies and republicans, will be fixed gradually. The reform is huge and historic for a country where corporations control the government and much of the US.

This bill will save millions of lives over time...

Now onto immigration reform.... LOL... I can't wait to see what kind of stunts Glenn Beck and his tea party will pull off to demonize immigrants. The funny thing is, most of them associate the word illegal immigrant with a person from Mexico... Yet there are millions of people from eastern Europe, the middle east, Africa and Asia that are illegals as well.

Racism ftw.

Edit: It is hilarious that in a country where the conservatives are a dwindling a minority and where Obama won the elections by a huge margin over McCain, to see how the small GOP, fox news and its tea party movement keep trying to manipulate the perception of the nation by constantly repeating how the majority of Americans are against the bill. Now they are proclaiming that it is the end of the world as we know it because Health care will never again be the lucrative business it used to be. My prediction is that the republicans will be utterly crushed come November elections. Their track record over the last 10 years... specially the last 14th months has been nothing short of appalling.

PS. I am not a US citizen, or a Resident of this country... I just come here often for business, but I still love to follow American politics.

Last edited by Sugetsu; 2010-03-22 at 03:32.
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